Shot in the dark – Any place to buy English books online comparable to amazon?

It bugs the crap out of me to see a $20 book being sold for double that on amazon jp and bookdepository! It also bothers me that often I’d be better off\* buying stuff from amazon US even with the shipping fee, because amazon don’t pricematch themselves – It feels so wasteful to fly a book here because it’s cheaper than buying it locally. Anyone know of a place that’s comparable in price? I doubt it but thought it might be worth an ask.

\*Well, pre the yen shitting itself, and for large, expensive books.

  1. Mercari if you’re lucky.

    I bought english story books from Mercari for just 400. While on Amazon it’s almost 3000.

  2. I got a kindle and haven’t looked back. You can pay or you can sail the seas, whichever path you choose. The kindle paperwhite is really easy on the eyes and reads like paper. Battery lasts for weeks, can hold 1000 books. Never have to worry about storage or disposal.

  3. What I do in this order 1. Library 2. Mercari 3. Bookshops (especially the Shinjuku english only Kinokuniya)

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