Is there at least a glimpse of a chance to switch to a worker’s visa after a working holiday?

I wanted to ask if there’s any chance of moving to a worker’s visa after I’m finished with a working holiday?
All I have to offer is a fine arts degree and probably a rudimentary Japanese (self-learning for a year, still not giving up), so I know pretty well that I’m not exactly in great demand as a worker. I’ll be moving from Poland, cause that’s where I’m from.
I know the chance is as thin as a ghost, but still, I really want to know if this can happen to someone who isn’t working for a big company, is an IT worker, or an English teacher

Thanks a lot in advance!

  1. You’d probably have an easier time getting a company to sponsor you vs someone applying from abroad. Just how difficult that still will be though is pretty hard to say.

  2. I could always take on the path of the silent fist, and so become untraceable by the police once my visa time passes. Then I could live off poisoning infidel husbands and feed myself with bugs I’d find in the trashcans. I think I could carry on like that for around 3 years before hallucinations from malnutrition would kick in, after that, I’d switch to living with a box on top of my head, and wait until I’ll turn into an eel, or perform an exquisite spiritual act of self-mummification. Either way, they’ll never know I was actually white the entire time.

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