Japan’s school rules harass children

Japan’s school rules harass children


  1. Any christian group that is crying about not being able to do ______ can go fuck themselves.

  2. That line about masks seemed unreasonably judgmental.

    The article also seems to say the extreme regulations it’s criticizing are far from universal, yet makes it out to be an explanation for what’s wrong with youth at large in Japan.

  3. Good.

    School rules should harass children.

    Much better than little to no discipline like in many schools in other wealthy nations.

  4. The uniform rules are normal the rest of this article is sensationalizing shit to make Japan look bad.

    It’s extremely rare for children to be separated from their class, if a teacher even pulls a kid out the room just to talk to them privately for a minute it can be looked upon badly

    I’m sure there are some schools that still operate like this, but that is because the specific teachers at that specific school are assholes

  5. > Do we really want to deny that the low self-esteem, the lack of individuality and the well-known dread of anything new and “untested” by Japanese youth isn’t somehow related to their years spent in schools where they are literally bullied into passive submission and actively repressed for their own unique qualities and idiosyncrasies?

    I work in education management in the US now: despite what I used to very strongly believe, there’s zero evidence that strict uniform rules have any impact on children’s future creativity or self-esteem.

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