Odds of Unification Church disband order hinge on enough evidence

Odds of Unification Church disband order hinge on enough evidence


  1. Once the scammers lost the protection of Abe, they got fed to the wolves. I wonder how many decades and how much they paid him? Probably $10’s of Millions.

  2. > When the right to question is exercised, a religious organization that refuses to answer or makes false statements is subject to a civil fine of up to 100,000 yen ($670).

    Is that in jest?

    Anyway, reading over this, wouldn’t the looney Moonies simply do what Aum Shinrikyo did when they were ordered to dissolve, and just cunningly change their name to something else, so as to avoid detection?

    Regardless, unless the Moonies were the ones to order the ex-PM be be whacked, then it seems a little harsh to force them to change their name because of that allegedly unrelated incident.

    A simpler solution would be to remove their tax exempt privilege, and apply a tax rate of 108% on all “donations” made to their company.

    Likewise for anything else that generates revenue for their dark gods.

    This would include non-cash “donations” as well. For example, if Acolyte 3rd Class Cabbagefarmer-san is ordered to donate 100 cabbages, then the Lunatics had best locate more cabbages in order to make up the shortfall.

    What do their dark gods even do with all of these cabbages…

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