Has anyone done the JET program? If so, what are you doing afterwards?

I’m wondering what people are doing after completing the program. Are you still living in japan? Did you find a job in japan? Was it worth it?

Reason I’m asking is because I do want to eventually work and live in Japan and wondering how successful some people have been. Anything about what your doing after helps!

Also, if you didn’t do the program, what was path to work in Japan? What did you do? Industry you work in? Did you directly apply for a job from your home country to a job in japan? Anything you did that brought you to your final destination. Thank you!

  1. Go ask r/jetprogramme , though I’d expect to get downvoted to since that gets asked at least once a week there.

    Edit: never mind you did , why are you asking here ? The answers you got in that post should be sufficient right?

  2. Jet was awesome! I know it depends on your placement and how culturally you take to Japan among many other variables, but I loved it.
    I really enjoyed teaching so taught with another company after my five years. Met my wife. Very happy.
    Although if you say, didn’t want to continue teaching, you have lots of free time to prepare for other possibilities. Eg, my friend was working in a cafe afterwards, now a transistor. Another is studying programming so will look for a job in that afterwards.
    Just depends on you really. Jet is a great opportunity though as they help you with everything from banking to insurances to housing obviously.
    I reckon just do it. Worst case scenario, you don’t like it, and that’s a year you can say you lived in Japan which is pretty cool lol

  3. Most people who do ALT/JET do not / are unable to transition in Japan. It shouldn’t be viewed as “getting your foot in the door”.

  4. I did JET and enjoyed it, but I was severely under-utilised and after 2 years felt like I’d gotten that itch out of my system. But I constantly want to go back, sometimes wonder if I could live there again but not sure. In terms of my cohort though, I’d say the VAST majority did not stay on after their contracts. I know only a handful who stayed out of 70+. A few got married to Japanese people, but they mostly all left still. I think only 2 stayed in Japan long-term. If you love it and it works for you, then you figure it out.

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