Election season

In my town, I have been dealing with the candidates driving around using loud speakers to pander for votes. It’s annoying but every so often the two different campaigns cross paths and have a battle rap session. Shouting over each other aggressively. They often stop near the city hall and battle it out like dueling pianos. Is this effective? I’m always to late to record them but it is comical.

  1. It’s a common form of campaigning all across Japan. It’s annoying but it’s a tradition. I hate it when they stop on the corner for a while so that their message echoes through the whole neighborhood. It’s just one of those things about Japan that you have to adjust to because it’s not going to change anytime soon.

  2. If people were more interested in politics this would not be happening. Those minivans are targeting people who show up at the polling station with no political compass, presented with a bunch of names and would just write down the one they’ve heard of

  3. It’s a combination of 1950s election laws and campaign people afraid to try something new in case it goes even worse than usual.

  4. i thought this would chill out some this year considering what happened a few months ago…

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