RKJ vs Great-O-Khan for the British Heavyweight Championship is official at RevPro Uprising

RKJ vs Great-O-Khan for the British Heavyweight Championship is official at RevPro Uprising

  1. Damn that’s a pretty big match. O-Khan is pushed in New Japan proper as well as being kept pretty strong in Rev Pro. Ricky is the new champion, not likely to lose it yet. Should be a fun match

  2. O Khan is kept pretty strong especially in england (gideon said hes undefeated in england not sure if that’s true or just heel stuff)

    So if RKJ beats Ospreay and Gok he must be showing up somewhere in njpw I doubt they’d let someone they have no interest in beat gok and Ospreay

  3. Sorry to be a big newb, but is there a way for an American to catch RevPro stuff up to date? I know they had some stuff on High Spots a while ago, but that app always gave me fits, and like PWG, it wasn’t updated every often with current events

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