Just read my first Japanese word

I’m sooo excited, i saw a picture and I could read one of the words lol

I know it’s not much but I’m so happy that I wanted to share with someone

  1. It is definitely a morale booster when you can start reading things in Japanese. Something you might want to check out to help you memorize and test your hiragana and katakana knowledge is this page: [Real Kana](https://realkana.com/)

  2. Hell yeah, that’s the end of the first step of your journey. There’s a lot of excitement like this ahead of you

  3. I felt that way too….then I was like, “what the hell does it mean!?!” lol!

    And thus began my frustration with reading Japanese. I can now read several words, but now I have to look up their meanings.

    Weird feeling to be able to read words, but not know what you’re reading about.

  4. I had avoided Kanji before, and now that I’m trying again I’m learning it. I’m only up to ~415, but it really does help me get these moments more often!

  5. I asked my Alexa a question in Japanese and actually got an answer yesterday and that was amazing.

  6. Congratulations! You’ll remember this moment again when you read NHK articles in the future.

  7. Congrats! I’ve only been learning a little while (about 2 months). I don’t have a lot of time to study so I have to stay motivated and little victories help with that.

    I went to a concert the other day and the opener was a Japanese band called Chai. Had never listened to them and didn’t know they were playing but their energy was awesome and fun, great performers. I was able to greet them at the merch table afterwards and practice a little Japanese and they were ecstatic! I just greeted them and complimented the music (and bought some shirts of course but not in Japanese). Gave me a lot of motivation to keep going and I’ll be taking a class next Spring.

  8. I remember watching Princess Mononoke/もののけ姫 with my girlfriend and picking out the word 三つ when some animal tracks are being described. Having just begun my Japanese-learning journey that month, I was pretty excited!

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