Looking for an English Literal translation Dub with Japanese sentence structure and word order

I don’t know if this is possible. I am looking for an English Dup that translates the Japanese word for it’s English word but leaves the sentence in Japanese structure (SOV). I want hear and see the words translated in sync.


“I lunch eat” (SOV) vs. “I eat lunch.” (SVO)

I maybe missing something basic, that prevents this.

1 comment
  1. I’ve never seen that being done before. Since I’ve only done that myself with new vocabulary and used the japanese equivalent of that word but maybe someone has because that sounds unique

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2022年8月27日 土曜日 今日はいつもどおり忙しい一日だ。帰宅の時も23時でした。色々を話し欲しい。でも私の日本語上手ではないで、本当にしかたないです。