To residents of Japan : how’s life compared to 2 years ago ?

Hello y’all!

I posted this on r/japanlife but got banned (permanently) because I currently don’t live in Japan… So I’m trying my luck here 🙂

Due to personal reasons, I left Japan about 2 years ago but I’m going back in a couple of months. I currently live in Europe, and as you can imagine quite a lot has changed in the span of those 2 years (absolutely crazy inflation, Ukraine war, gas and energy prices going up, product shortage…) and to be honest I do feel a difference in my purchasing power now compared to 2 years ago when I just arrived. Therefore, I am a little dreading the return to Japan.

So my question is this : how different is life in Japan (specifically Tokyo) compared to 2 years ago ? Have you noticed any product shortage or increase in prices (necessities, electricity, foreign products…) that shook up your budgeting and finances ? What about leisure like restaurants, train tickets, movies… ? If so, how much did it change ? Also, thinking of purchasing a house and a land as well.

Any insight would be appreciated!

  1. Well..I also got banned from japanlife permanently and I DO live in Tokyo. I posted while visiting NYC. I couldn’t believe it. I tried to reason with them but apparently they’re not too smart.

    Anyway, not much has changed really. Yes, prices generally have gone up but I think that was to be expected. Hasn’t really affected my budget (and still so much cheaper than NYC). I can’t wait to get back next week.

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