Going to buy some limited edition gunpla and need storage suggestions

Hi everyone,

I’m going to be in Japan possibly until end of Nov or Mid December. I want to buy some Gunpla as I’m worried that the ones I want won’t be in stock before I leave Japan as it will be close to Christmas. I’m travelling around so it won’t make sense for me to lug around gigantic boxes of Gunpla. Is there anywhere I can store my purchases for an affordable price?
I would ideally likely to store them somewhere in Tokyo.

Any help would be highly appreciated!

  1. It might be cheaper and easier to just ship it back. On my last trip, I bought more than what I could fit into my 2 checked luggage. So I got a large box from a local supermarket and went to Diaso for some tape and packing paper. I was not in a hurry and shipped it with Japan Post’s surface shipping. Took a bit over month for it to get delivered in the US.

  2. Nah, it won’t exactly be cheap if you have to store it for a while. There is places like this : [https://cloak.ecbo.io/en](https://cloak.ecbo.io/en) but you can count like over 500 yen a day for larger items.

    Also… I doubt that Christmas will especially have an impact on Gunpla availability. Christmas is more a thing that people celebrate with their lover, the whole giving toys to kid is not really a thing. So if some specific model are to be sold out, it’s because these models are popular, not because a lot of them will be wrapped under the Christmas tree.

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