Disposable medical device

So I just took my annual medical check up and I received a test in the mail where you drop a few dips of blood on a test strip that you mail back in. What I’m wondering is, how do I dispose of the little blue medical device that you use to prick your finger with? There is no instructions on the packaging. It’s just a small plastic device but there is a sharp blade on the inside. Anyone have any idea? My wife thinks just normal burnable.

  1. Wrap it in kitchen roll, throw it all into a little plastic bag, and put it in the combustibles. It had your blood on it, so even if it wasn’t the right sorting, who cares! You’re throwing away one item, not a truckload.

  2. Personally I would have soaked the whole kaboodle in bleach for a week, then mixed up a small batch of thermite ( it’s rust and aluminum, not rocket science) and incinerated everything at 2500° in a small tungstan cauldron. After that I would charter a fishing boat to Taiwan and to the ashes exactly halfway between Japan and Taiwan, but only after encasing it to an osmium ball so it remains in the locker forever

  3. It has to have come with instructions. If not, burnable or buriable waste. The city has to be aware that people are getting sent this stuff.

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