Kagoshima to Okinawa Ferry with Dogs

Has anyone done this ferry route with dogs? I know there is a special pet room where your dog kennel is kept for the duration of the trip, but are you able to walk your dogs around the decks outside as well, or are they supposed to stay in their kennel for the whole 25hr trip? If I wanted to spend the night with the dogs outside while sitting in a camp chair or something, would that be permissible? Just don’t want to coop them up in a kennel for that long. We are taking our car on the ferry as well, but I’ve heard you aren’t able to access your car until you arrive at your destination, so leaving the dogs in there are not an option. Thanks!

  1. This is a legitimate question… I would like to know the answer to it. I have considered a similar trip only in the opposite direction.

  2. I had someone check the website for the ferry… Apparently the pet room is where you put your animal in the kennel and it is supposed to stay there for the duration of the trip, they are not responsible for the animals poo or pee, Nor are they responsible if your animal dies. Apparently the pet room is air-conditioned same as any passenger cabin. You’re allowed to access your pet but your pet is not allowed to leave that room until you reach the destination. Your animal must be in a kennel/bag. My translator seems to think it might be acceptable to take the animal out of the kennel and stay in the room for a little stretch but that’s about it probably depends on how busy it is and how many other people are there. Pictures show a sink so if your animal mess is the inside of the kennel you can probably take them out and give them a quick bath. I would certainly be that asshole washing my dog in the sink. But I’m old and don’t really care what other people think about me.

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