learning Japanese without practice

It has been 4 months since I’m learning Japanese. In starting it was academic and learning vocabularies through handouts…..I found it boring so I skip it and then after a long break I continue it again. I want to learn Japanese fast and without going measurement of vocabularies that HOW much words learned (it’s stress).

•Can I learn Japanese by watching anime and by reading/listening/translating poems through an application name “Hyakunin-Isshu Wasuramoti”

•Also, I just started Duolingo with N4 (11Day streak) but it’s pretty easy…..many of the things I already know but most of the time new things (I wonder, if I get boring form this app, what should I do??)

  1. So far no one has figured out how to learn Japanese without practicing.

    But if you figure this out, let me know!

    > (I wonder, if I get boring form this app, what should I do??)

    If you get bored of duolingo you could try reading “Tae Kim’s Guide”.


  2. Sorry man, not going to happen. People that want to take shortcuts never get far, and Japanese is not a language you can learn fast.

  3. Try learning from native media (tv shows, movies, books, novels, light novels, anime, manga articles, podcasts, videos, etc) instead of using your native language thinking to construct Japanese sentences.

    If you can find a video with Japanese SRT subtitles, I would recommend the Animebook and Yomichan Chrome plugins. You can use it to create Anki flashcards while you watch a Japanese video.

    My advice with native media is that less is more. For example, do 1 to 5 minutes of a TV show per day and progress through it slowly, but steadily. Use the rest of the time to learn everything you can from the Japanese subtitles. The way Japanese use their grammar is likely not the same way you would if you made sentences yourself.

    For grammar review, I would recommend the Japanese Cure Dolly channel on Youtube. They have a playlist for Japanese grammar that starts from the beginning. If Japanese Cure Dolly is not your thing, find another Youtube channel that goes through Japanese grammar in a way that you can comprehend and apply easily.

    I use video chat as more of a checkpoint instead of a serious source of learning. Learn all you can on your own in between the times you chat with Japanese speakers or language learners.

    Good luck.

  4. can i skip the hard part and just have fun and get something for nothing?


    even those that learn via immersion do a lot more work than sitting around and watching anime

    there’s nothing to say that you can’t still watch it (i do!) or that it can’t be part of your learning process (it can!)

    but you can’t just skip anything educational and do no work, no

    so pick up a grammar book and some vocab tools of whatever sort you want AND also feel free to watch anime, with or without subtitles, and have fun. it’s just not going to happen overnight or with zero effort

  5. >•Can I learn Japanese by watching anime and by reading/listening/translating poems through an application name “Hyakunin-Isshu Wasuramoti”

    For anime,

    You *almost certainly* won’t gain anything useful out of it without a lot more stress than just learning some vocab and grammar first. There was one user yesterday complaining why he couldn’t keep up with anime knowing just 1,500 words. Anything less than that and you’re guaranteed to do even worse, unless you can stand to look up every single word in every single sentence you come across.

    For poetry, you will *definitely* not gain anything immediately useful. Understand that even fluent Japanese speakers need to either study the grammar and vocabulary or just have an explanation given to them to understand the Hyakunin-Isshu. I know this because it’s not that hard to find vocab/grammar and content explanations in Japanese. The poetry collection uses a form of archaic (i.e. not useful in modern times) Japanese that native Japanese learn in a classroom setting even though as I’ve said, the students in those classes would have already been fluent for over a decade (i.e. most of their lives).

    I don’t mean to beat you down. This is more of a reality check. If you really want to learn using anime without a good foundation or any preparation (Duolingo is considered by most people to not be a *good* foundation), I’d suggest ones with simpler language like Doraemon and Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san.

  6. Sounds like you need something more challenging that Duolingo. How about you try Q&A audio files to practice and check your comprehension and response creation?

  7. I mean if you want to just learn it like in a VERY superficial way, sure. Otherwise if you want to really understand you anime or your fav manga you have to realize that this is no an easy langiage to learn and that you have to give more effort that that.

    If it’s too stressful for you giving that little bit extra. See how far doulingo wil take you meybe it will insoire you to really study the language.

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