Canadian Specific Desserts

Fellow Canucks!

So this is definitely a long stretch eh, but I thought I’d check if it’s possible anyway.

I’m trying to get my god-kids to try some Canadian specific treats eh, that’s if it’s even possible to find some here.

Any recommendations on where I can get things like Nanaimo Bars, Tiger Tail Ice Cream, BeaverTails etc.

Sadly, my smallish place has no oven eh, so some things I just can’t bake myself.

Do you reckon there are places I can get some things custom made to order?

Edit: So, I watched Brother Bear with the kiddos and was asked why I didn’t sound like Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas (both I had been overly eager to point out as Canadians), with the “Ehs” and took that personally.😂

  1. Nanaimo bars aren’t baked so you should be able to make them at home, I looked into it one time and it didn’t seem like any of the ingredients would be that hard to get. Bannock might be fun to do as well.

  2. Nanaimo bars aren’t baked. You only need a stovetop.

    I’ve never seen them for sale in Tokyo. Maybe Blendz Coffee had them but I think all their Japan location have closed.

  3. >Sadly, my smallish place has no oven eh, so some things I just can’t bake myself.

    Fortunately Nanaimo bars don’t require baking. But finding chocolate graham crackers isn’t easy. Regular graham crackers are available from Amazon though.

    Funnelcakes aren’t Canada specific but you don’t really find them here so you can pretend the yanks stole ’em from us. Once again, no baking just funnel the batter into a pot of hot oil to deep fry it. Slather in ice cream and some cut up fruit. Yum yum.

    Rice Crispy Squares should be something fun you can make with the kids. Just melt everything that melts in a pot then mix the rice crispies in, spread em out in a baking dish, let it cool down, then enjoy.

  4. Beavertails are fried, you can find recipes online. I’ve never made them myself but it’s similar to a donut.

  5. Apparently Butter Tarts are Canadian. I didn’t know this until my american husband had no idea what they were and I asked a few other Americans who also didn’t know what they were. You could try to make those.

    Your post inspired me to try, and also make Nanaimo bars. I didn’t miss them I was reminded of them 🙁

  6. I bought beavertails (and poutine) at the Sapporo Yuki Matsuri before. It seems like the stall was from a French Canadian cafe called ギャニオン/Gagnon.

  7. Even though your mentioned desserts/snacks don’t require oven, if you really need it, you can just use a toaster oven. Toaster ovens can’t replace convection ovens, but it usually get the job done as long as it fits in there. Costs about 3-4000yen on amazon.

    I made a lot of stuff on it, and If you’re willing to spend, some microwave ovens come with convection oven mode. It also can’t completely replace normal convection ovens, but I got some good cupcakes out of it.

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