November 2022 Mt. Hiei – Questions (tickets, routes, time needed)


I am currently planning my next visit in November 2022. I will be staying in Kyoto. I have yet to see Mt. Hiei, and this time might be it.

I am already planing to visit Saikyo-ji, Chikurin-in Temple and Hiyoshi-Taisha (and if this is way out of possibility for one morning, let me know)

From here, it would be thinkable to take the cable car up to Mt. Hiei. I am looking forward to see Enryakuji/Sai-to/Yokawa, and while I just LOVE gardens, I dont think the Garden Museum Hiei is worth the money in November
Maybe I would like to eat something up there, time permitting.

As far as I know thats about what there is to see up there, or am I missing something? so I could head back, this time using the cable car down to Yase Station on the Kyoto side.

There is a bus up there that could be used to shuttle around between the stations and temples.

So, anybody with experience or any other way of knowing, is it feasable to take the route from the lake side over Mt. Hiei to Kyoto. Is it feasable to use the bus and see the three main attractions, and most importantly, is it feasable to do so in half a day (lets say, 4hrs), especially considering in Kyoto, days kinda sorta end at 4pm

Considering cost, and tickets. Do you have suggestions on how and where to buy tickets, possibly in advance, and to save some money. There seems to be some possibilities, but I only found some Japanese website. or

I realise its hard to say how long something takes, and how fast or slow I can walk, and how long I look at each spot, but assuming one wants to walk through the temples, but not engage in any praying, eating, shopping, am I biting off too much trying to do so in one afternoon?

Any advice is welcome!

Edit: I found a travel report that strongly hints at me not being able to pull this off

1 comment
  1. You can do the Todo and Saito area on the Hiei-san in 3-4 hour no problem. Including Yokawa are might be hard.

    The Sakamoto area (Saikyo-ji, Chikurin-in Temple and Hiyoshi-Taisha) itself probably already take 2-3 hour already, if you are including that in your time estimation.

    Personally I found the Sakamoto area to be more interesting than the top of Mt.Hiei, tbh.

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