Interac Branches

Anyone here have experience or know anyone that worked for the Kansai and south central branch.

Kinda second guessing my decision right now but want to know if I’ll be surrounded by a good team if I do leave.

  1. Worked in Nagoya! The good, they don’t prorate ur summer pay. The bad, the pay is absolutely ass. Other than that, u get whats expected. nothing more nothing less. The office team and trainers are generally pretty nice. Nicer than the other branches judging from some of the stuff I’ve heard.

  2. From my experience the Kansai office members are pretty nice, but they will allow the schools or w/e boe you are dispatched to, to do what they want with you.

  3. Hamamatsu branch is good, been here 5 years. There was a big management change last year that was sorely needed, and the current managers have been more honest/helpful than before. Corona hasn’t been kind, so we’ve been doing more online meetings but people in my area are chill. The pay is as expected, but that’s more the industry than anything. If you need money, being an ALT is not the most lucrative job long-term, but I like teaching so it’s been fulfilling for me. Really, it’s a personal decision at the end of the day.

  4. INTERAC is really mix bags. I worked for them for a few months and it was OK. A lot of rules, lots of emails, and I had to send all my lesson plans to them. Pretty sure they are just compiling everyone’s lessons to one day sell em in an INTERAC book or something.

    The people I worked with were good enough. The support system is there, its just the pay is very low.

  5. HI. I’m with Interac West branch and so far so good. I read in other comments that their branch prorate August and December, mine’s not but I think my payment for March and April will be prorated since in my schedule it was indicated as “Unpaid Spring Holiday”. The staff and the Ims are all good, I can’t say anything bad about them except some of them replies very slow to emails.

  6. Worked for both Osaka branch and am now working for west south branch. I prefer the west south branch, the staff is amicable and lots of effort is made to support the ALTs both in the classroom and in real life. You might have to do some fluffing for lesson plans sometimes, and deal with country-side *ish, but with time you’ll get better at making better lesson plans and you learn to navigate inaka issues. . we (west south west) are very spread apart though just as a heads up so making friends since Covid has been rough .

  7. The only reason to sign with interac is if there arent any other options and you absolutely cannot live without being physically located in Japan. Second and third guess that one for your mental health.

  8. I’m in Kanto South. Everyone super good, no complaints. Any questions I’d be happy to answer.

    No I’m not being paid to say this lol.

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