Tips on self-learning japanese.

Hi, I need some tips on learning Japanese all on my own, btw i dont really have time for studying since i have a lot of exams 🙁

  1. Maybe cut down your video game playing and use that time for learning Japanese?

    I mean, you picked something that takes a hell of a lot of time to learn.

  2. Here are some posts with general advice and guidelines:

    – [personal brief writeup]( on the importance of structure & balancing theory and practice

    – [“New to Japanese? Start here!”](

    – [this subreddit’s Starter’s Guide](

    – [Japanese Primer]( “morgawr_’s personal no-bullshit ‘how do I Japanese?’ page”

    – [Japanese Learning Loop]( (more extensive version of the above)

    – [How to Learn Japanese Efficiently]( by Hazzat

    – [resources and basic layout]( by Get_the_instructions

    – [this subreddit’s Resource Page]( (check out the three guides at the top in particular)

    And keep in mind that how much time you put into this massively affects what results you’ll get. Good luck!


    ^([**edit:** addition of an item, slight rewording])

  3. You should learn Hirigana and Katakana first. But Japanese takes a really long time to get good at; you need to study alot and have motivation to do so. You can do your best with only a bit of studying but if you don’t have any time for studying at all you won’t get very far

  4. > i dont really have time for studying

    Oh ho ho

    You have plenty of time.

    After you graduate college.

    Well actually, after I graduated college I was working 80 hours a week.

    So yeah.

    Time is the key though, figure where you can pull that out. It may even require a lifestyle change.

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