Moving to Japan as a self-employed Day Trader

What would be the options for one to get a pr in Japan without working for a Company as a day trader? How hard would it be?

  1. Impossible, there’s no “day trader” visa. And the designated activities visa the other guy incorrectly cited doesn’t allow you to work. Also, looking at your post history, you seem to be a crypto trader, not a day trader, which is not a career, or in any way profitable in the long term. Get a real job and visit Japan as a tourist, Japan isn’t going anywhere.

  2. There really isnt a way to do this. As was mentioned in the other comment, you could go the 30M in your bank route to get a 1 year tourist visa which you can renew as long as you have the money, this would however mean you couldnt legally do daytrading as a job, as you would then be working on a tourist visa. Casual trading of shares would be fine, but if you are in Japan long term, and trading on a regular basis as a source of income, this then becomes illegal.

    As you’re wanting to be self employed, there is no real reason for you to be based in Japan so you wouldnt really be able to open a day trading business in Japan or anything.

    So this really limits on what your options are, since you dont want to get a full time job working for a company, you kind of fall into a category where you dont qualify.. unless you can get a WHV, then you could potentially do it for a year and then have to leave

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