Question about studing Japanese

I’m Spanish native speaker, know English like B2 bc I didn’t finish the studing, but rn I will turn 15 in less than 2 months, my question is, what should I study next? Katakana or Kanjis? I know now perfectly Hirgana characters with Dakuten and Handakuten with combos and all and like 35 kanjis, I’m starting studing Katakana but seems hard to me so thats why ask

  1. Katakana.

    Also, if you find katakana hard, brace yourself for kanjis lmao.

    Learning hiragana is like learning how to ride a bike, now you know how to ride a bike and you’re basically asking if you should try to ride a motocycle next (katakana) or a Formula 1 car (kanji).

  2. don’t fixate on anything. learn the two kanas first, but also start to learn the grammar and vocab as you go. incorporate kanji as you go and try to get out of using romaji as quickly as reasonably possible. there’s a ton of kanji to eventually intake but you don’t need to do it all at once, even natives take all the way thru middle school to learn all of the ones they need for general purpose adult reading.

  3. Kana first and furmost.
    Kana is the most important to start from (never start from romaji or spoken japanese).

    Kana is hiragana+katakana.

    Then, widen your vocabolary *a little bit*, and start learning how kanji works.

    From there, don’t just memorise kanji, it will be easier to learn kanji from vocabulary.

    Always remember: implementation, implementation, implementation.


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