Where can I get a prescription for Melatonin in Tokyo?

I haven’t been able to sleep. Where I’m from you can get melatonin over the counter but here you need a prescription, but all the local doctors I’ve called up have said they don’t treat insomnia and a medical clinic said they wouldn’t see me unless I had a translator (didn’t even say if they’d treat insomnia).

Are their any English speaking clinics around Shinjuku or Shibuya that will give me a prescription?

  1. iherb ships melatonin to JP, takes about a week to deliver but you can only buy 1 per shipment.

  2. The weirdest things are controlled here. Like melatonin? Seriously? Lol I can’t imagine how a sleep regulation hormone could be abused. I’ve thought about ordering it from iherb as well

  3. You can ship it in lol you don’t need a script.

    Can only buy thirty days supply at a time, so just get the highest dose you can find and cut the pills.

    P.s. don’t take more than 1mg. People are out here taking 10+ mg and it actually has the opposite effect at high doses. Studies conclusively say under 1mg is best.

  4. Melatonin is not available OTC and cannot be prescribed in Japan.

    You will need to order from iHerb or someone else who will import it for you.

  5. There is a really good chubbyemu YouTube video explaining how melatonin overdose is possible when mixed with other OTC medications that people aren’t typically aware of. Sorry I can’t remember which one.

  6. You can import up to 2 months worth of melatonin at a time when I last bought some earlier this year. So you can purchase any bottle with 60 tablets or less or add up to two 30 tablet bottles. Using a site like iherb should have this restriction in place automatically as I wondering why I couldn’t buy more then 60 tablets at a time and I found the answer to why on there. It doesn’t seem to matter what mg each tablet is.

    Edit: could only be one month now based on reading other comments

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