Omakase – $70 – Can you name them all?

White tuna and chutoro were my favorites. Couldn’t identify the ones in the middle. One piece missing – ate before I snapped the pic.

  1. Chutoro, otorro, Maguro, salmon, kampachi, albacore, seared tuna, scallop, Hamachi, amaebi, aji, Hirame?, another whitefish (maybe Tai/snapper, but hard to say off picture)

    Edit: plus clam. Shout out to that very longboi piece of hamachi

  2. Top left to right… diagonally…

    maguro, chu-toro, o-toro //

    hamachi, sake, escolar, bonito, hirami //

    aji, fluke, kanpachi //

    hotate, amaebi, the last one had be stumped — some kind of shellfish? Hokigai?

  3. Delicious, delicious, delicious, exquisitely delicious, delicious, delicious, fabulously delicious, scrumptious, delicious, phenomenally delicious, OMG I came delicious, yummy, yumm, yum

  4. From left to right, diagonal rows:

    Frank, Isolde, Matteo

    Cornelius, Heather, Mark, Justin, Eveline

    Judy, Christine, Summer

    Leslie, Otto, Damien

  5. Where are you located? I would love to know for that price point. What else came with it? I think I may have to get sushi this week

  6. From left to right, ascending

    Big eye Tuna, Yellowfin Chu Toro, Yellowfin O-toro

    Hamachi Toro, Sake, Unsure, Saba, Unsure

    Saba, Hirame, Hamachi loin,

    Scallop, Ama-ebi, Geoduck

    What are those two that I was unsure of?

  7. That looks really good! I know traditionally you should given each piece one at a time to preserve the temperature but sometimes it’s just delicious to go beast mode! Love that scallop, raw shrimp, and geoduck clam in the front row!

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