Best optic fiber provider? (Kamakura)


I have been looking for some options when chosing my optic fiber provider before moving in my new place in Kamakura. So far, Docomo Hikari looked the best but I would be curious to see what is the best for Japanlife’s opinion, Thanks for your help!

  1. Have you called them up and ask if they offer services to your area. It’s likely you’d be limited by their coverage.

    If you can somehow can Nuro Hikari – I had a great time with that

  2. Docomo hikari is really fast and stable but among the more expensive providers.

    From a technical perspective, three providers can connect your home with their optical networks: NTT, KDDI (au) and Sony (Nuro). While NTT has a wholesale plattform (hikari collabo) to rent the last mile but run any independent IP connectivity on top. They are all more or less equal in speed and latency but vary in details (IPv6, fixed IP, rental router). If you need more than 1 GBit/s, get Nuro (only some areas including Kanto). All other providers resell on one of these networks.

    So my recommendation is: get a cheap contract bundle which is discounted if you already have a SIM card or even an electricity bill (au). Eg. IIJmio SIM users should choose IIJmio hikari (NTT collabo plattform), Rakuten Mobile users even get a whole year Rakuten Hikari for free, UQ Mobile or au users go with KDDI’s hikari, OCN Mobile one users get OCN hikari…

    Of course if you have an overpriced SIM (eg. a docomo/au/softbank one from the physical store), get a cheaper SIM first and then their hikari. See

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