Presenting Fluento for Japanese learning

Hi guys!

We are the Fluento team and we would like to present to you the website we have just launched, called [Fluento](, to help people prepare for JLPT exams. We are working on the content for JLPT N4 and N3 levels but the website is already live and a good place to learn for N5.

With our site you will be able to:
– Learn Hiragana and Katakana.
– Learn Kanji the easy way!
– Learn Vocabulary in order of importance!
– Practice all the grammar points needed for each JLPT level.

Our content can be viewed for free by checking the “Content” tab. You will see as of now we have only finished N5, missing some mnemonics, and we added some Kanji for N4. You can also see our demo at []( (no sign up required).

In our roadmap we have:
– Finish the concepts (Kanji, Vocabulary and Grammar) for the levels N5, N4, N3.
– Add resources section for each of the concepts.
– For each of the levels, create some content on how to improve, better grammar explanations and some reading and listening materials in a form of a Blog.
– Community section to ask question and help each other.
– Release an app
– Add N2 and N1 levels.
– Add a section for Kanji writting, for the people that get into it.

We would love to get everyone’s feedback on what we can improve, since it’s important for us that people use it! And we really want to make it easier, specially for new learners, to get a grasp on how to start learning Japanese.

If you want to get updates on our project, feel free to follow us on [our reddit](, [Instagram]( or through the website!

Thank you guys and looking forward to hear about your recommendations.

The Fluento Team.

1 comment
  1. I only tried one but:

    I typed in the reading and even though I got it right it says I got it wrong. As you can see, I wrote し in the answer box, which is a common reading for 市

    I write software for a living for the last 20 years, and I don’t care if it’s a bug, but consider an average user will be frustrated if that’s their first impression.

    Also in the current learning “landscape” you have things like RTK, KKLC, anki decks already made for those two previous things I mentioned, and among others, as well as not-free options (famously, wanikani)

    So you will want to say what would make your website stand out from the already many alternatives.

    And if you don’t know what those things I mentioned are, you will want to do some R&D into that.

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