Did anything ever come of NHK’s proposal to make you pay their fee if you just have a computer/smartphone?

Just tore up another brown envelope asking me to pay a fee for the TV I don’t own, when I vaguely remembered reading something a while back about how they were gonna make it so that if you own a device that could potentially be used to watch streaming services, you gotta pay the fee. Did that turn into anything? I can’t find anything to say that it did.

  1. My understanding is that it depends on whether the laptop or smartphone has a one-seg adaptor fitted or not. Japanese smartphones often come fitted with them as standard. There was a case of a woman losing in court to not pay an NHK fee on her sat navs because it was deemed to be able to pick up TV signals. Haven’t seen or heard of any cases pertaining to laptops or smartphones yet though.

  2. I believe they are targeting people who have those now relatively rare phones that can receive one-seg TV signals and people with computers that have a TV tuner.

    When they used to come to my door, they would always ask me if I had a one-seg phone or a TV tuner on my PC.

  3. I believe the only thing that changed (or is changing?) is that they can sort of charge you a “late fee” if you were meant to have a license but didn’t get one for whatever reason. Even so, I imagine that would involve them proving you had a TV/TV-signal receiving device at that time (or you accidentally admitting it) so either way sort of doesn’t matter.

  4. They came by my place once and I just told them I didn’t have a TV or computer (had to say it twice because I guess they didn’t believe me) and they left. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  5. Dont worry. You dont have a tv, even if you have a smartphone tell them it’s an international version. Even if they come to your apartment, tell them the same, invite then to your home to check. Dont worry they can’t.

  6. I heard from a friend who was one of the door knockers (🤢) that they’ve actually stopped doing that. Has anyone had a visit recently? Is mail their new tactic?

  7. Just tell the guy at the door that you seriously hate Japanese television and are not interested in how oishii an omurice made in the middle of Shizoka will taste, despite it being meticulously documented by a TV crew and 14 D-list celebrities

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