Is anybody able to watch anime without subtitles here?

I’m curious if there is anyone here who is able to understand anime without subtitles. Has the watching experience improved?

  1. If you watch anime without subtitles then your friends can’t watch it with you, so I don’t know if that’s an improvement.

  2. Unfortunately, nobody in the world can watch anime without subtitles yet. The last guy who tried came close but sadly passed away just before he could finish one episode.

    No but seriously, I watch anime and all kinds of Japanese TV without subtitles (well, aside from the ones plastered all over the screen on variety shows). Understanding the language makes the experience better than not reading subtitles does. Also makes you appreciate a well-done localization that much better

    Nothing wrong with watching with subtitles. Sometimes I put subtitles on just for localization practice (finding out how things are interpreted/translated)

  3. Depends a bit on the type of anime. I’m fine with anything that is Slice of Live or Drama.

    But as soon as it comes to SF or Fantasy tend to turn at least JP subs on because there are a lot of made-up words with weird Kanji readings.

    As far as the viewing experience is concerned I’d say it has certainly imporoved significantly, altough I kinda made a habit of rewindung and looking up stuff if I don’t understand something. This in turn somewhat ruins the flow of the show.

    On other thing that, I’d say has somewhat worsened my viewing experience, is that if I watch something with my friends now and have to turn subs on for them I have a hard time concentrating on not reading the subs after years of training my brain to do so.

  4. Even if I can watch anime without subtitles, I like to put the Japanese subtitles on (I’m in Japan so pretty readily available on netflix)

    Sometimes i really just don’t know the more obscure or even made up for that specific anime words they’re using and I can pick up some kanji here and there which is cool.

    Also, even for shows in English I personally prefer to have English subs on just in case I didn’t catch something. It’s nice.

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