Is there any way to return or use ripped money?

I ripped ichimans and on the verge of crying now. Help? :,)

  1. I had luck with vending machines after taping it back together(got torn because I was trying to pay for a love hotel using their machine and obviously kind of antsy to get in :P)

  2. This is one trick that I used since coming to Japan.

    The vending machines!! I usually have success with blue ones that have Pepsi in them.

    If they are semi-old you will have greater success. Yes, you will have to drive around a bit to see which one eats your money, but those machines do exist.

    I typically straighten out the money to the best of my abilities while out, and that means aligning the ripped areas to where they once were, and inserting them in a way where the machine presses on the rip so it aligns with the non-ripped end. I’ve even had chunks of bills gone due to them getting caught in the coin purse zipper on occasion, and have had success looking for a vending machine. I always manage to exchange the bill because I am persistent looking for the vending machine that eats it.

    I see another user taped his and had some success.

    I’ve had regular banks refuse them outright, some grocery stores accepted them like CO-OP, but depends on the location.

  3. I just went to my bank and asked for a new one last time it happened. You just sign a paper and they exchange it for you.

  4. I’ve dealt with this twice before.

    If you want to exchange the damaged note for a new one on the spot you will need to go to a Bank of Japan branch office.

    Any other bank the bank sends the damaged note to the Bank of Japan and the damaged note is assessed then replaced and sent back to your bank. This process according the banks can take up to one month.

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