Docomo One UI 5

So I have an S21 with model number SC-51B, meaning it is a docomo model. In fact, it has docomo stamped onto the back. While my phone is unlocked (I am currently using UQ as my carrier), I notice that I am not getting updates directly from Samsung when their updates roll out, usually I need to wait a while before I receive them. Does that mean that my phone is still waiting for docomo to push the update, or is that because Samsung waits before releasing updates in Japan, since i have a Japanese model?

I know docomo puts a lot of proprietary apps and features onto this phone, but as far as I know an unlocked phone should get updates straight from the OEM?

Also, if I moved out of Japan would I still wait for longer for the Japanese version of an update (assuming that that’s what’s currently happening)

If anyone knows anything about this please let me know, and have a wonderful day

  1. Bought my Samsung Galaxy S21 ultra directly from S. Korea, the updates would come automatically. The phone wasn’t locked. Usually with Japanese bought phones from providers, they have a little service provider maintenance app *bloatware*, along with the proprietary model update app in settings. Maybe your automatic updates are turned off, check in the settings.

    In terms of updates, I would say most of the updates dished out by samsung are unstable. I was an iphone guy before, and even though there are many liberties to the android Samsung, Iphone just was a smoother overall experience regardless of the limitations on app content, downloading capabilities, and framework.

    That said, the best phone I had was a Samsung Galaxy SII, from there shit hit the fan.

    The best iphone I had was the Iphone XS PRO MAX 512GB.

  2. carrier branded phones get updates veeeeeeeery slowly, if ever after the release.

    that’s the downside. the upside is having felica/osaifu keitai stuff and full support for the carrier LTE bands.

    if you move, the update schedule wouldn’t change as it still will be pulling it from docomo servers.

    > but as far as I know an unlocked phone should get updates straight from the OEM?

    no, docomo reviews these updates and allows samsung to publish / whatever them to devices. you only get direct updates when you buy something like international / factory unlocked model.

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