Websites to buy Galaxy phones cheap from abroad ?

I am looking to buy a Galaxy Fold 3 or 4 this month . The carrier models in Japan from au , docomo have a lot of bloatware . And the updates are slow . So I’m looking for a website like expansys to buy it from abroad . So far I came across nokiadou and Ncmobile . Also checked on mercari for unused phones btw . The korean versions seem to be cheaper than taiwan and hongkong models . So any suggestions is highly appreciated . I’m fine with any other country models except japanese

  1. I bought my Samsung Galaxy phones directly from Korea via amazon . co . jp third-party sellers on pre-order. The advantage of this was the fact that you could pay in installments, instead of one-shot payments, and get the phone shortly after release.

    It doesn’t look like Amazon has any third-party sellers at the moment that have a reasonable price for the phone. Primarily scalpers.

    I’ve used Expansys before, they’re a legitimate company, even though they have a shady-looking website. **[2022新品]Galaxy Z Fold 4(フォールド4) BlackブラックSM-F936N 5G 256GB SIMフリー(Dual Sim: eSIM対応) 187,000 yen**

    **It looks like the black version is on sale** ***¥72,100セーブ***

    I know you’re thinking taiwan version vs hong kong version, vs korean, but they all use the same OEM Screen, and cameras. Don’t worry about that.

    The only reason you begin to worry about a drop in quality is when you damage the screen, and have to use aftermarket screens because the OEM screens are 80,000 yen.

    All of these phones are primarily made in China, the only difference is the QWERTY keyboard options during the initial boot-up, you can change those easily from Mandarin or Cantonese to English US, then download Japan with EN.

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