Do any ¥100 stores still sell men’s underwear briefs?

Pre-emptive edit: yeah, yeah, yeah, laugh it up, I know I’m going to get roasted for asking this. But I’m a cheap bastard and I apologize for nothing lol.

When I first came to Japan I was broke and bought socks and underwear at Daiso for ¥100 yen each. Socks all look the same and I can use a nicer pair of underwear on any day where someone else is likely to see them so I figured why pay more? I earn much more now but still feel the same way.

Now Daiso doesn’t seem to stock the underwear briefs anymore. All the underwear I can find is Calvin Klein etc and costs 500-1000 yen.

Are there any 100 yen chains that still stock them, or am I stuck paying a 1000% markup for the exact same thing from now on?

  1. The XLs immediately get snatched up whenever they are available. I mean the ones that feel vaguely cottonish, and are dark colors but are 100% polyester.

    It might be just your store, btw, I still see them at the locations near me, sans XL.

    I also buy my shit from there, and enjoy the brown lunch bag of shame as the daiso cashier lady bags ’em up.

  2. I dunno man, the men’s dollar underwear I’ve had experience with make the same sound you’d expect from rubbing a tarp.

  3. “am I stuck paying a 1000% markup for the exact same thing from now on?”
    Paying for quality is not “the exact same thing”. You ever hear the expression “its expensive being poor”? Basically you can buy something that’s going to last a long time or you can spend more money and keep replacing something.
    Of course, with underwear I suppose if nobody is going to see it, go cheap and don’t worry about it, but dude, don’t you want your junk comfortable?
    And didn’t your mama ever tell you how important it is to have a clean and decent pair of underwear on? What if you get hit by a car and the paramedics have to undress you?! LOL.
    Or better yet, you get lucky (wink, wink) and suddenly need to shed your trousers and get to work?
    Anyway, if you still want to go cheap, get your ass to a GU. They sell decent yet cheap underwear — I think it was something like a pack of 3 for 900 yen.

  4. Do you have a Shimamura, Attacks, or Super Kid nearby? That’s where I get socks, underwear, towels, and tshirts.

  5. “I’m not fiddling with meself, I paid a quid for these underpants and I’ve got about 50 pence worth stuck up me arse.” – Jim Royle

  6. Can Do had them last year. They aren’t in plastic packaging, but on underwear hangers, so you can actually see the size and the stretchiness of them.

  7. I used to buy the GU or Uniqlo underwears until I found Lawson store 100, their underwear pretty much almost same quality for ¥100, they only have one option color : black. which is fine by me

  8. You can get a 3 pack or something like that at Shimamura and it ends up costing about 100¥ per pair. Good luck!

  9. Buy nice or buy twice.

    Dude, when I first got here I bought a whole bunch of Uniqlo underwear that I’ve been using for 10 years now.

  10. There are better things to cheap out on. Stuff that touches your “cash and prizes” is not one of them.

  11. I solved this issue for me by going online. I found that Rakuten offers a wide variety in size, materials, and prices. I found exactly what I was looking for in my price range, after shifting through, test ordered and when I liked it, ordered a bunch more.

  12. Honestly if you don’t mind online ordering try I always went to GU cause it was cheaper but the GF found nice packs sold on SHEIN with sizes that were slightly bigger and could fit me better and the quality is really nice. Have found lots of really nice clothes there.

  13. Since I sense this thread will be a magnet for fellow cheapskate men let me piggyback on it and ask everyone where they buy cheap shampoo at?

    100 Yen shops used to have their own brands which didn’t cause me to lose too much hair, but they stopped selling them a while back. Seems like a lot of the other cheap generic store brands have also disappeared over the past couple of years too.

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