Best, Fastest, Most reliable internet option for Shiga Prefecture?

Do you guys have any recommendations on what the absolute best internet option is for a apartment in Shiga Precture near the Minami-Kusatsu Station? Going to be working from home so I need very reliable hard wired internet. I don’t care about price, just need the best.

  1. if you’re above 3rd floor and your apartment isn’t already pre wired for fiber you’d be limited to 100mbps VDSL.

    shiga is basically inaka right? just pick ntt flets and any provider. asahi net is cheap. they’re all going to be same.

  2. Check Nuro hikari’s coverage map if 2 GB is available in your city. If not, get hikari (optical 1 GB) from a provider that supports IPv6. Avoid PPPoE as it’s congested especially during peak times (afternoon, weekends), double avoid cable TV (non-hikari) based internet.

    Most plans on the NTT platform are fine, a good way is to choose a hikari plan offered by your mobile phone contract, so bundle price is discounted. If you have an expensive contract, change to a cheap SIM first. See also my other post:

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