Workflow for reading light novels on an android tablet

My ancient ipad finally bit the dust so I treated myself to an android tablet and am eager to read some light novels on it. I was wondering what are some of your favorite apps to use for reading and looking up vocabulary/grammar. Not married to any particular file format or source, I will get my books based on the apps I use. I am brand new to android and am so far loving the freedom vs iOS so I am interested to see what is available.

  1. Android has kiwi browser that supports chrome extensions like yomichan. I just read novels from syosetu on my phone so that’s as far as I’ve gone but I’ve heard of people using ttsu reader to load ebooks into their browser to use yomichan with them that way as well.

  2. Kiwi browser supports Yomichan. You can read ebooks in ttu, look up words with yomichan, and mine them to Anki using Anki Connect.

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