Japan passes bill making ‘online insults’ punishable by one year in jail

Japan passes bill making ‘online insults’ punishable by one year in jail


  1. [The articles title a bit misleading they are not enacting a new law, they are increasing the penalties of the already existing one and the main goal is to prevent targeted harassment of people that could lead to suicide like that of Hana Kimura. Someone calling you the R word in a game or on social media is not enough. The person receiving the harassment has to gather the evidence of how they are being targeted and send it to the police which will then decide whether to act on it or not. Insulting people online is still as common in Japan as elsewhere, this law in all its years of being in place hasn’t changed that.](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/vcah11/japan_passes_bill_making_online_insults/ice3gsa/)

    Tho some are still freaking out about this.

  2. If it’s to stop targeted harassment I don’t see the problem tbh

    Can’t be any bad then UKs one

  3. This is how it will be abused:

    Random citizen posting online: Mr Politician is awful. His policies cost my family our business.

    Mr Politician: Arrest that person. He is insulting me and my family’s good name!!!!

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