Would you say that every person here cares about blood types relating to personality? Or is it just really common like how zodiac signs are?

It seems quite common to me but I’m curious to see what others think. I’ve heard that it sometimes impacts peoples abilities to get good jobs and stuff like that. Or to be friends/partners with certain people. But is that true for everyone? Like… is everyone like that here in your opinion? Does every good, full-time job care about what your blood type is before hiring you? Does every Japanese person you’ve encountered ask you what your blood type is before deciding to be your friend or partner? Or is that only the case for some people? Curious to see how others feel about all this…

  1. Some people ask but, yeah, it’s like the horoscope thing but more widely known.

    And people who believe in it demonstrate a huge amount of confirmation bias. They’ll say that what you did was totally something an A blood type person would do, but then not reassess when you do something off-type.

  2. I didn’t even know my blood type until recently, almost 10 years into living in Japan, it has basically never come up, especially not in a professional setting.

    I can’t even remember being asked at all. At best it is equivalent to zodiac in the west (where normal people you meet don’t ask or care).

  3. It’s only relevant maybe as a talking point when meeting someone for the first time and even then only with specific people that care about that sort of thing, the same as horoscopes.

    >I’ve heard that it sometimes impacts peoples abilities to get good jobs and stuff like that.
    >Does every good, full-time job care about what your blood type is before hiring you?

    That’s ridiculous, no employer would ever be interested in something so irrelevant unless donating blood is a job now.

    >Does every Japanese person you’ve encountered ask you what your blood type is before deciding to be your friend or partner?

    Almost nobody ever asks you what your blood type is, and those that do don’t base whether they can be friends with you on it. If they do, they’re crazy and you should probably stay away.

    For the record, I’ve lived in Japan over 5 years and I *don’t know* what my blood type is. It’s never been important and nobody’s ever asked. Once when I signed up for membership at a hospital there was a box for blood type on the form, but I left it blank and nobody even questioned it.

  4. Yes it’s exactly like the zodiac signs, tho I’ve never met someone super duper into the blood type stuff but I definitely have met people super into the zodiac sign stuff in the world.

    Mainly it’s just a thing to talk about IMO

  5. It’s like the zodiac signs here. Most people are kinda aware of their blood type, but it never really comes up and they don’t care about it beyond amusement (maybe reading a fortune at a festival or something, nothing serious). But you’ll also have your hardcore zealots that love to analyze people based on it and read a ton into it.

    Never seen it even come up at work, outside of one or two oddball coworkers. There may be some elderly running businesses that still believe in it and cause issues though, but it’s pretty much not a thing.

    I did date a guy that was super into it though, and I didn’t know that at the time. It wasn’t until he asked my type to get a fortune for me when we were at a festival that I found out, and he got super demanding analyzing it and everything, and was shocked I knew nothing about it. He kept insisting that it had to be a thing in the West as well, and asked how I had grown up ignorant of it. Needless to say, it was part of a string of issues with him that ended that relationship.

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