What is Teikiken: the Commuter Pass in Japan


I ride the train every day to go to work. The train station where I get off does not have a card reader, so I usually have to buy a ticket twice a day. This is a bummer, especially on days when I am running just to catch the train.

I do have the ICOCA card, so I was going to add the commuter pass to that. But I was wondering if it were possible to use a teikiken even on stations that don’t allow the use of ICOCA because there is no card reader. Does anybody have any ideas?

Thanks so much.

  1. You can buy commuter pass from any station to any station**. It might be on ICOCA or it might be a magnetic ticket if ICOCA is not supported on the route.

    ** Most of the time.

  2. You may just have to suck it up. I assume other people commute from the same station as you. If you see them only doing paper tickets as well, you’re out of luck. Maybe you could buy multiple tickets at once to make things easier for yourself?

  3. Looks like paper Teikiken still exist for cases like this, so you should be able to get one. Ask the station staff about it.

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