I was a JET participant right out of college and am currently a JET ALT getting ready to leave in the fall.
Filling out paperwork for leaving I was just notified that I can not apply for my pension refund this time because I had my pension refunded last time…
This is news to me. I paid into it again ?
Has anyone else had this experience ? its this true / how do I find out ?
If you ca t claim it check to see if they offer it to be transferred to your country’s pension system. I k ow specifically canada offers this with some paperwork. Maybe others do too?
Contact the pension office and ask yourself (English support is available): https://www.nenkin.go.jp/international/index.html
I thought that you could apply for the refund again, if a certain number of years has lapsed between your first time on JET and the next time??
I did it twice. Unless the laws have changed in the past 4 years