How to pay on Mercari with a JP Post bank account?

Is it possible to pay on Mercari using a JP Post bank account? (ゆうちょ銀行) The card does not seem like a traditional card, more like an IC. I have tried searching online in Japanese and found a help page on Mercari, mentioning transfers between Mercari and JP Post but I worry that this is for transferring profits towards the bank account, instead of adding funds to the Mercari account.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

  1. Wise.

    Best solution to any online shopping as a foreigner in Japan. At least from my experience

  2. You can select “ATM払い” when paying for something on mercari. That will generate some numbers for you to enter into Pay-easy screen on the JP post ATM.

    The process is here:

    Screenshots show generic ATM, but JP post has the “税金・料金払込み” button in bottom right of main screen, iirc.

    Then just type the numbers in, confirm the amount, and press pay. It will be debited from your bank account.

  3. When I first made a Mercari account I added my ゆうちょ account to it – I can’t remember exactly how I did it but I don’t remember it being particularly difficult. So when I pay for things it just comes straight out of my bank account.

    Do you have the Mercari app? You should be able to add it there

    Edit: I just checked the app again. You can do it by going on the 支払い tab at the bottom of the screen, then going 設定>支払い設定>銀行口座>新規口座の登録. You should be able to select ゆうちょ and enter your account details.

    Once you have it set up, when you go to pay for things it should come directly out of your bank account (it charges your ‘メルペイ’ account with the exact amount required for the purchase).

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