Sushi While Pregnant Traveling to Japan


We are looking to plan a trip to Japan but one of the key things my wife is looking forward to most is being able to eat sushi. We had really hoped to honeymoon there (we leave for Italy this week); however, Japan’s reopening was very recent so we couldn’t plan such a trip.

At this point, we won’t plan a trip until it warms up a bit like in April or May… is eating low mercury raw fish a safe thing for her to do if she is pregnant on the trip? It seems absolutely crazy to consider delaying starting to try for a kid based on something as trivial as sushi, but she’s never been to Japan (I have) and she’s brought up how disappointed she will be.

What is standard practice amongst Japanese folks? I know that it isn’t fair to apply blanket yes/no to something like this. I’m sure she’s willing to make compromises on how frequently she eats it, what kinds of fish, what the source is, etc. But any helpful advice or personal experiences would be great!

Sorry for the strange question!

1 comment
  1. I would probably consult a doctor, or at a minimum, a forum that has a health or pregnancy focus. Making a decision about when to get pregnant and what’s safe when pregnant based on Reddit advice (or even Japanese norms) is silly.

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