Is there a Subreddit where leaners can talk about general topics in Japanese?

For example, something like r/AskReddit but in Japanese (and learner-friendly)

  1. well there is r/askajapanese is for asking a Japanese person a question

    there is r/japan for general stuff

    What did you want to talk about specifically maybe someone can think of something

  2. 多分、この場所はいいでしょう?僕はここでたくさん日本語の文を希望している。常に、ここに不幸の人がいる

  3. I’d like to know as well. Usually when this is asked people will point to subs like r/lowlevelaware and r/ja. Personally, I feel weird about encroaching on spaces intended for native speakers as well as the roleplaying aspect that a some of the users on there bring. If there isn’t one where it’s clear and accepted that the users are mainly learners, someone should definitely make it

  4. Not s subreddit, but it sounds like you want *Hello Talk* or similar. r/HelloTalk does at least have a subreddit, but it’s more support I think.

  5. Maybe there should be a flair for this sub for posts that are all Japanese, no English?

    That way you can post at the beginning

  6. Maybe start a new community! Though youll need rules on posts and responses and have good moderators, not necessarily native speakers.

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