Any news of Alternate Upgrades since Placements?

I know it’s been a few weeks since placements have been announced, has anyone heard of any upgrades since then? I’m an alternate candidate at the DC consulate and I’m just trying to find what hope I can 🥲

  1. I also keep hearing that the upgrades from the placements is usually the biggest of all the waves but I’m hearing or seeing absolutely nothing.

  2. Chicago alternate here, radio silence continues. Renewing lease soon too, still a flicker of hope but mostly trying to keep it out of mind.

  3. Thankful to have been upgraded towards the beginning of the results. Unrelated, but also thankful I mustered the courage to break up with my narcissistic bf last night just before leaving in July…he would have caused me so much anxiety in a long distance relationship. To new beginnings!! And I hope you get upgraded!

  4. My friend from NYC got upgraded like last Friday. Hopefully more upgrades come out soon!!! Don’t lose hope :))) That’s what I told my friend and he got the email~

  5. It’s all random, the upgrades now will be people that get a placement that they don’t like and want to back out.

    There will probably be a few here or there in the lead up to departure if people get cold feet or have to back out for other reasons.

    Then probably within the first couple months of arrival you’ll have a few that break contract because it wasn’t what they envisioned.


    You can be upgraded until December, but if I were you I’d just not think of being upgraded as a possibility. Just live your life and don’t hold off on decisions for something that may not come.

  6. I wouldn’t hold out for the hopes of getting upgraded, especially this year: you are waiting for people to decline offers they’ve been waiting for up to two years.

  7. A friend of mine recently got upgraded, last week I think, so don’t lost hope 🙂

  8. There are also placements that don’t have a replacement yet (due to ALTs having to leave at the end of the 1st contract despite having planned to do a 2nd contract) so there’s hope there as well 🙂

  9. Someone just quit from my BOE so someone on the upgrade list can expect some good news soon!

  10. Yo! Not trying to give you false hope but my city is expecting two new jets…but our boe hasn’t been notified about them whatsoever. I have my next monthly meeting next Monday and if we don’t know by then I think we are all going to lose it hahaha.
    Just wanted to give you a glimpse of the other side! If our boe hasn’t been assigned two new jets yet there’s a chance others are in the same boat!
    Good luck!

  11. I ended what would have been my 6th-year contract early so, hopefully, they’re upgrading someone to be my replacement soonish. I heard it’s a bit of a mess at some of the prefectural offices and even they don’t know exactly when new ALTs will be showing up.

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