Japanese government proposes raising age of consent from its current 13 years old

Japanese government proposes raising age of consent from its current 13 years old


  1. Just so everyone knows, it’s only 13 yo in specific places, mostly it’s 16-18 and requires legal parental consent as well.

    The fact that ppl think It’s 13 yo everywhere and only that is kind of annoying.

    My source:
    I Have Japanese cousins
    A Japanese girlfriend that’s serving in Japan on behalf of the American military
    And I have Japanese native friends.

  2. There’s just one prefecture that has the AOC at 13 right?
    Saw this one tiktok clip with over 12k likes about some dumb gaijin woman going crazy that anyone even adults could fuck anyone above the AOC which is not true. You can be 19 and get arrested for doing it with someone under 18. The AOC only applies to those of the same age (depending on some prefectures 1-2 years of difference is allowed)
    But in truth, I doubt it will change anything. Anyone who’s been a minor knows at least one who did it while being under the AOC.

  3. wtf im japanese and live in japan but i had no clue it was that low

    should be much higher than 13, 13 year olds are fucking stupid no way they’re responsible enough to give consent

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