Weekly Complaint Thread – 27 October 2022

As per every Thursday morning—this week’s complaint thread! Time to get anything off your chest that’s been bugging you or pissed you off.


Rules are simple—you can complain/moan/winge about anything you like, small or big. It can be a personal issue or a general thing, except politics. It’s all about getting it off your chest. Remain civil and be nice to other commenters (even try to help).

  1. Rakuten Card have apparently blocked my card without contacting me because of reasons, now I have to call their pay-to-call line and of course hold forever

  2. Bought an 8 pack of toilet paper while too tired to look carefully at the packaging and didn’t notice the 香りつき bit. Now my toilet room stinks like horrible scented toilet paper. Why do they make that stuff? Does anyone like it?

  3. Can I go 2 days without train delays?
    Yesterday it was the Saikyo line with a “自身事故” and today its the sobu line with a strange noise and the Saikyo line again just now….

  4. Job hunting is the worst. Hours on an application, hours getting ready for the interview, a month of waiting. Then coming out of all that empty-handed with no explanation.

  5. Every time I take a certain train at a certain time a certain person goes to a certain door area where people are waiting for the train to arrive. This person immediately goes to the front of the line or, if the person is a little late, simply pushes through the people trying for get off and get on the train.

    I don’t understand it, but I can see people wanting to seize a seat on the way to work, especially if you are, like this certain person a tiny being of advanced age. Still, the train’s at 6:45 AM, and there are always empty seats even after everyone boards.

    Worse still, as I just noticed less than an hour ago, the certain person whose need to sit and sit quickly supersedes common courtesy and any inconvenience to other, similar passengers gets off the train two stops and four minutes after boarding.

  6. Fuck. So one of my favorite VA (voice actor)’s cheating scandal just came out. Huge bummer since he plays a lot of popular character roles. And now there’s a possibility that he’ll be replaced, like what happened to that VA who was married to LISA. I want to say that the voice of the characters should stay the same unless the person has committed a huge crime (ie getting arrested) but yeah…sucks overall.

    If you gonna cheat, just fuckin’ get a divorce, man.

  7. Recruiters need to get their shit together.

    In the past two weeks ive suddenly had a couple contact me out of the blue and their transgressions include:

    Mispelling my name despite it being clearly spelt on my LinkedIn profile.

    Refering to me as Dr. King of Prince despite having no more than a bachelor’s degree

    Telling me over the phone about some vague work opportunity. Ignoring my repeated requests for a document with job description and salary range, then asking a few days later if I had considered the opportunity, despite still providing almost no information about it.

    Finally sending me a job description but it’s for something other than what we described on the phone and still doesnt include salary range,

    Calling me out of the blue during working hours, then leaving a message that they will call back at 7 despite not confirming my availability at all. Then not calling back at that time anyhow.

    Like I get that we are the “product” and not the actual client but its still bad business practice to treat your goods like shit

  8. The shipping costs to use Mercari is insane. I had to pay ¥900 to ship something that weight like 500g because of its size. How dumb. It’s like selling anything less than like ¥3000 and you don’t even make any money after fees and shipping

  9. Celebrated daughter’s first Shichi-go-san yesterday. Out of all the ones I’ve photographed, been a part of, or have witnessed while visiting temples and shrines here in Japan she was easily the most poorly behaved. I understand kids are gonna be kids but not gonna lie, felt pretty disappointing.

  10. About got hit twice on Monday night while running (was wearing a high viz vest and a bright ass headlamp). There’s usually no usable sidewalks in my area. First time was some dildo on a scooter on a straight stretch with no other vehicles in sight. I literally could’ve reached out and grabbed this mfer how close he was to me. I felt the wind. The second time was 5 minutes later when some old dildo in a kei truck was going too fast while making a turn and drove off the road to the curb before swerving back on to the road, missing me by like 2-3 meters

  11. What’s it with weather? Had to wear heat tech and sweatshirts in the morning and suddenly it becomes hot in the afternoon that you wish you were in a tanks and shorts.

  12. Unsure if I’ve caught a cold or just stressed out. Throat hurts and nose burns one day, fine the next. Higher temperature another day, normal the next. “I think I’m getting sick” one morning, fine at night. Repeat. Is this my body just saying “I don’t wanna go to work today”??
    Seriously make up your mind are you sick or NOT ??

  13. Getting a My Number is classic Japanese bureaucracy. Get envelope, bring to 区役所, stand in line and fill paperwork, go home, wait a month, get another envelope, make reservation, go to 区役所 again, get another line…

    This is the kind of shit that would be solved in a single 2h visit to some department back home.

  14. Salaries and WLB in Japan suck. I get that this country in its current form was built on the backs of corporate slave labor, but fuck me, it’s beyond time to make serious changes.

  15. If I had a portable electric fan, I’d be tempted to aim at the guy with ultra-bad breath standing near me on the train. The fact that he doesn’t cover his mouth when coughing isn’t helping… this is common sense overseas, long before Covid. I have to shake my head at “seki echiketto” as though it’s some revolutionary new idea.

  16. I had to pay 一万 in import taxes to get a tiny bag of clothing…lesson learned about “international shipping”. (I know international shipping doesn’t mean no taxes but it’s annoying companies offer it if I have to pay so much to receive the package).

  17. In most cafes and some restaurants here, there’s not much space so the next table is usually right beside me. My stupid complaint is that so many times here, there’s two people sitting at a table basically right next to me, and they don’t talk at all for a whole hour. Meaning they can hear my whole conversation basically. I’m probably just being too self-conscious, but I hate it and I don’t understand why couples on a date or friends or whatever go to a cafe and just not talk the whole time. Even though my conversation is nothing extremely personal, I always feel uncomfortable by this.

  18. Why can’t online immigration use foreign mail addresses? That is embarrassing. Forwarding it from Yahoo to Gmail also doesn’t reliably work, as it turns out. Lost more than a week of waiting around.

    Speaking of, if you make a mistake when filling out online immigration info (in my case, I entered my current visa and not the one I wanted), you have to write and submit a letter to withdraw your application and then wait on that to be approved; you cannot just fix the info in a dropdown.

    Will just go to immigration because this is insane and that’s a complaint that I must do so.

    No spouse visa yet, so everything with switching jobs to a foreign company will be delayed and I don’t really want to work for another Japanese company (at least all in Japanese with my Japanese level at the moment).

    Took a break from keto to for friend’s birthday party. Pizza and beer was great, as were burgers and breakfast cereals the next day, but it wrecked my gut. Not sure if the whole gluten thing (I need to try asking the local hospital if I can get tested for Coeliac since dad got diagnosed) or just carbs. Like 1-2 bowel movements a day to 5-6 less… solid ones, shall we say, with gas, bloating, and urgency.

    Bombed a coding test Wasn’t feeling great, but was running out of time to get it done. Rushed, got into my own head, and just botched things.

  19. My wife is hopelessly addicted to Splatoon 3, and it’s well past the point of being a cute new hobby.

  20. Thought I was fine, but seems like exhaustion was just hiding to gather strength and straight up sucker punch me. I feel like a zombie and can’t concentrate Can we make hibernation a thing?

    Thought I’d manage to lose weight to fit back into my winter work pants. Looks like I’ll have to engage in the battle of finding pants that are long enough, wide enough for hips and at least a bit sustainable.
    Related to this, dear brain, stop trying to convince me that we can relieve stress or pain by eating. It’s clearly not working!

    I’m sitting right next to the door to the stair case, which is always open. And the window in the staircase is open as well. I’ll soon be burried in blankets, the cold breeze sucks.

  21. I wish my wife’s sense of time would improve. When she has an appointment she’ll either arrive 1 second before the appointment starts or an hour. Normally that wouldn’t bother me, but before she leaves the house she’s always stressing out and takes it out on everyone, even if she’s nowhere near being late.

    Like today I also had an appointment at the same time, so I thought let’s leave at 9:00 since the appointment is at 9:30 and it only takes, at most, 10 minutes to get there by car. At 8:30 she starts to panic wondering if we’ll be late, says we need to leave soon, then starts doing that annoying OL shuffle where OLs move their feet in a hurry but don’t really move any faster. Me saying it’ll be alright, we have lots of time left just makes her angry and more stressed. Can’t even talk to it about her without her getting defensive about it.

  22. Freelance life is awesome. So much flexibility, more pay, no boss to deal with…when I have work. One and a half months since last gig. Clock is ticking…sigh…

  23. I hate how a lot of fashion brands here are so far from being inclusive. Examples include by only having 2 sizes available, and “free size” is just a UK size10/US 4-6. No wonder girls here try to starve themselves in order to fit into fashionable brands. I feel for larger Japanese girls. Japanese people get shocked when I say I have trouble fitting into certain clothes by saying “but you’re so thin!” Yeah no shit. Nothing is made for people with hips.

    Watching a NHK report last night about chikans putting secret cameras in women’s toilets and changing areas made me so paranoid that that might have unknowingly been a victim and my footage was uploaded on the internet. Now I want to avoid public toilets as much as possible.

  24. My baby is 4 months and I’m still cosleeping with him, he doesn’t stay asleep nearly as well when I’m not there but it’s really taking a toll on my shoulders. It’s apparently necessary to sleep in a “c-curl” position so you’re essentially wrapped around them. My shoulders are above my head and under a small pillow and because I switch sides half way thru the night, both of them feel so unbelievably out of place or something. Idk how to keep this up. Either deal with the pain, change sleeping positions, or find a massage or chiro or something. Ughhhh so achey.

  25. Came home on Tuesday night, parked my bike, and realized that the hissing sound I was hearing was my back tire slowly deflating! Got up early yesterday to go to the shop down the street with the nice ojisan who would fix it because Google said their hours were 9-7 on weekdays and Google LIED, because they’re actually closed on Wednesdays! Now I have to go through the song and dance of going again today!

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