Best tall building / observatory view in Tokyo

There are lots of options for tall buildings with observatories and sky decks in Tokyo. We are having a hard time narrowing it down. Our elementary-aged kid loves these, so I’m thinking it’s worthwhile trying to do two during our 7 night Tokyo stay. Below are the ones I’m aware of (and thoughts on priority order). We are going in late December if that matters. Maybe hit one during the day and one at night would be fun. Would love any input on which ones are more worthwhile or memorable for whatever reason.

Here are the ones on our list so far.

1. Mori Tower (54-floor) in Roppongi has a city view observatory + sky deck. Seems like the ticket covers exhibits in the museum and the sky deck.
2. Shibuya Scramble Sky (46-floor) – this appears to be the newest/fanciest option?
3. Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building in Shinjuku (45th floor) – observatories on both towers, but seems only the south tower is open due to covid.
4. Tokyo Skytree in Sumida.
5. Tokyo Tower – we don’t have anything else on the list to see in this immediate area, so I would probably prioritize this one last unless I hear otherwise. Seems like this and Skytree might be better to see at night from somewhere else due to the lights versus actually going up them?

  1. I was going to suggest the World Trade Center, as it has a great view of Tokyo Tower and many Mori buildings, but it looks like it’s being demolished.

  2. I can only comment on the Metropolitan Government Building. I found the views decent, there are some nearby tall buildings so some views are obstructed. If you are in the area with a bit of free time its worth the visit, especially since its free.

  3. The Skytree is really in a league of its own in terms of overall height if that sways you.

  4. For me best is absolutely 1 and 2.

    Gov. Building is ok, especially because it’s free, but the sky deck on the two first is a kind of hard to beat.

    Tokyo Tower maybe if there is an interesting event or you go for the new Red Tokyo Tower, but you know what you cannot see from Tokyo Tower ? Tokyo Tower!


    Other than that, the know places are Bunkyo Civic Center and Sunshine 60 (that is close for renovation right now… the observation deck not the whole building). You can also find some article that propose some other places like this one [](


    Eventually there will be Tokyo Torch that is set to be build for 2027 and who know if there is other that will open in some of the new skyscrapers that are being built.

  5. Skytree has a great view, plus if you’re going with a 7yo there are more flashy bells and whistles and souvenir shops to keep them entertained

  6. Another that is a bit of a sleeper is the Parco building in Shibuya. It’s not so tall, but high enough that you feel like you’re surrounded by tall buildings and urban density and it is all comparatively up close — cool views that might be fun for a kid. Also, you get a Mt Fuji viewing spot, it’s an open air garden with seating and places to relax, AND you have two ways up — escalator/elevator inside or the external staircase. I tend to head to the top via escalators inside then take the winding staircase down. Anyway, I really like it. Nice food and shops inside too — and it’s free!

  7. Mori tower is pretty much right in the middle of them all. And if the weather is ok they let you on the roof.

  8. Mori Tower was a really nice surprise for us. Admission dues include the museum and there was a fantastic installation when we went in 2019

  9. Best paid: Mori Tower or Skytree

    Best free: Bunkyo Civic Center (my husband and I will go here just for fun if we’re nearby; it’s much better than the Metropolitan building as it’s less crowded)

    I’ll admit I didn’t see the “point” of Skytree for a long time. It’s expensive and the weather makes the view unpredictable. But, when my parents visited, they really wanted to go — and we lucked out with a clear day and small crowds on a February afternoon. My husband and I went for sunset on a post-rain day last year; it was very crowded, but the day to night transition is great to watch. Have never paid to go to the upper deck.

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