Should I pick up genki now?

I’m an ultra beginner, just hiragana and katakana is all I know. Im going through wanikani but I just realized. Aside from like 5 kanji. I don’t really know any words or sentence structure? Do I need to learn words made up of just hiragana?

Also should I pick up genki now or wait until I’ve gotten a little bit through wanikani?

  1. Genki goes well with WaniKani, and you can start it now. The first few chapters don’t expect you to know any kanji, and even the later chapters use furigana. Doing the Genki grammar and vocab alongside WK will help you contextualize what you’re learning there and start putting it to use.

    Couple things that might help you out:

    [Genki study resources](

    [ToKini Andy’s Genki commentary](

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