Travel with kid but not wife, proof needed?

Hi everyone.

Have to go aboard for a funeral. I will go with one of my kid (4years old) but my wife will stay in Japan.

Do I need any proof my wife agree with the departure of our kid?

Thanks in advance.

  1. I didn’t need it but I’m glad I had it. I have known some people were asked because the last names didn’t match.

  2. Depends on where you’re going. Some countries require it due to parental child abduction. Some do not. From the Japan side you do not.

  3. No never. Exit and enter Japan with the kid’s Japanese passport (that’s a must) despite different name, and do the same in France with the French one (same name).

    Never any problems in the many years doing this.

  4. When I took my son to the UK for a funeral (2019), there was some ‘concern’ at the UK boarder for both arrival and departure as I have a British Passport and my Son has a Japanese Passport. I had to show my residence card and our return tickets.

    I think we were ‘suspicious’ because we landed at a small UK airport and he was the only one on the flight with a non EU passport.

    On the way back I had to show my residence card, copy of the funeral program and our inbound tickets + outbound tickets.

    We had no problems at check in, the problem was at passport control.

  5. Shouldn’t it be fine if the kid has a french passport? Don’t you exit Japan with a Japanese passport and enter France with french, leave France with french and enter Japan with Japanese?

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