Visa photo background color

To renew my visa I took a photo at a 証明写真 booth. The background is automatically blue. I was wondering if this is ok for the visa photo. The immigration website doesn’t say anything about background color. Anyone else get accepted with a blue visa photo? I didn’t realize at the time if I chose Premium, I could have chosen a white background, but I don’t want to spend another 1000¥ right now.

  1. Those machines usually advertise themselves as being able to do photos for status of residence renewals.

    So, if lt did, it should be fine.

  2. If the requirement doesn’t state background color you’re fine. Some country explicitly states “plain white background” for their requirement, but for zairyu card is fine.

  3. Ironically I’ve had two 3 years visas (one 3 year work visa and one 3 year spouse visa). Both of those had blue backgrounds

    Then the others Ive had, had a white background were all 1 years haha

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