PR application forms…statement of reasons?

Hi all,

I am planning on applying for PR in November. I was checking out for the requirements and forms and I noticed that it didn’t say anything about a statement of reason. Is that not needed nowadays? The processed looks a lot easier before but am I missing something?

Thanks for any advice.

  1. What route are you taking?

    Marriage or other?

    Because for marriage there is a little 1 sentence blurb where you’re expected to put something equivalent to “I want to continue living in Japan with my waifu/husbando and raising a family/buy a house/build a life” on the application form.

    For others scroll down to required documentation and click on the appropriate link to go to the documents required.

    All others have this requirement –

    >/3. Statement – 1 copy

    >The applicant must provide a document outlining the reasons they require permission for permanent residence.

    >Statements written in languages other than Japanese must include a translation.


  2. I did the 10 year working thing to get PR. In a nutshell, I said that I had been in Japan so long that I had established my life here and that I had nothing and no one to return to in the US. I noted my involvement with my local Buddhist temple and got endorsements from the monks and members there. My husband (although we don’t get any recognition of our US marriage here) signed on as my financial guarantor. I should also note that I hired an immigration attorney to handle the application and all of the necessary documentation rather than try to sort out the process myself. It was money well spent.

  3. Why do you want to stay here as a PR. Answer it honestly snd you’ll be fine unless the reason is ridiculous.

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