hi can i have advice on how to learn katakana faster

i learnt hiragana in 3 weeks but katakana is beating my ass

  1. Many people like the Tofugu mnemonics: [https://www.tofugu.com/japanese/learn-katakana/](https://www.tofugu.com/japanese/learn-katakana/)

    Also, it is perfectly normal to be worse at katakana than hiragana. Some katakana characters are very rare in beginner learner materials and you will initially not see them much anyway. It is more important to keep moving forward than to get them perfectly right now. You will learn them properly when you start actually seeing and using them.

  2. This can also apply when you learn kanji:
    Learn the order and number of strokes and write it down as many times as you can

  3. Just grind it out. Write them out over and over and over and over and over again. Katakana is rather notoriously hard. I have a much harder time reading it than I do kanji.

  4. Write them down. Also if they look familiar to you, make note of that and if there are patterns with slight variations, make note of that too

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