Where in Japan are the ones who live in mansions that have like 20-30+ car garages per home?

Like, I’ve always wondered where in Japan do those uber wealthy car enthusiasts who have such a high amount of cars in their collection. I hear Tokyo is the place for car guys in Japan, but I cannot for the life of me see any possibility as to how that’s… possible for \*those\* types of car enthusiasts, unless they literally buy multiple homes just to house them.

  1. You can fit 30 cars one a revolving car park in quite a small space. Down near Chigasaki coast there’s a popular restaurant, and the car parking space is tiny, but they jam at least 30 cars in there on those revolving things.

  2. One guy I knew had a garage out in the countryside where the good driving is. Temperature controlled and with a modest fleet of 8 classics including Lotus, Jaguar, Porsche, Cooper and Mazda. He would drive his Crown out there at the weekends and take his absolutely perfect classic cars out for a spin.

  3. A guy I know in Ibaraki has a couple of old warehouses he’s turned into his own car museum. Currently has something like 30 cars and 50-60 bikes.

    So the answer is if you can afford that many cars you don’t need to worry about affording someplace to keep them.

  4. Guy in my city bought an old parking lot, converted into a museum. Now he charges people to see his collection of super cars as part of his car museum. Genius.

    Elsewhere, a pretty sizable plot of land near me got developed into what I could only describe as more of a compound than a house. I saw a lambo driving out one day and peered in to see enough garages for 10 cars.

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