In your opinion, what is the most beautiful Japanese word you know?

My vocabulary is still small, but so far the most beautiful word I know is ‘yuki’ (雪) meaning ‘snow’.

  1. 綺麗

    Edit: I’d like to nominate 馬鹿馬鹿しい as well. (It’s a **horse** ~~dear~~ **deer**, a **horse** **deer** – **shii**esh!).

  2. I really like 懐かしい meaning nostalgic, reminiscent of good memories. I learned the word from Midnight Diner.

  3. Do you mean beautiful visually or beautiful to hear?

    In terms of sound I think 緑(みどり) dances on the tongue in a pleasing manner.

  4. Reizouko sounded so cool when I first heard it. I thought it would sound kickass as a name.

    Then I learned it means “refrigerator”

  5. I like 轟 [とどろき] which loosely means ‘roar’. The kanji is pretty neat too.

    Edit: thanks for the downvote, I just love this subreddit 🤣

  6. I myself am quite fond of 雷 (かみなり). It’s such a pleasant-sounding word, and it’s fun to say too.

  7. 鮪(まぐろ)

    I hope I got these correct. I loved the way they sounded the first time I heard them.

  8. Do you mean the way “cellar door” is considered a beautiful sound in the English language to foreigners? In that case, I’ve always liked the sound of 少し.

    Edit: Actually, I like もう少し a little bit more.

  9. Mine gotta be 二日酔い ふつかよい and it means hangover. But I like to translate it as problems of the second day XD

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